Your photo may contain more than one pet. No people, please. Photos must be high resolution (300 dpi is preferred for printing purposes and at a size of 12” x 9” or 3650 pixels x 2740 pixels HORIZONTAL to be considered for cover or Pet of the Month). Photos may be cropped by SHS to appropriate dimensions for calendar design but we will not crop a pet out of the photo. We cannot accept Polaroids, heavily edited photos, photos with stickers or writing on it. Copyrighted or professional photos must be accompanied by authorization from the photographer.
If Grand Prize winner or Finalists’ photos are not of printing quality, we will ask for a new picture or we will take a picture for you at our shelter. Photos may be uploaded online, submitted by email (lhart@humane.org), mailed via USPS or dropped off at our animal care center (6781 San Casa Drive, Englewood, FL 34224).
If submitting via email, regular mail or in person, your photo must be submitted with a completed entry form available on www.humane.org and your $25 entry fee. All photo submissions will be displayed online. Photos submitted by email, regular mail or in person will be uploaded to the online gallery by Suncoast Humane Society and made available for online voting. Once a photo is uploaded, it will appear in the online gallery on our website and will be open to voting by the general public. Votes are $1 each with a minimum donation of $5 (5 votes).
All submissions MUST be received no later than August 31, 2019.
Online voting will end September 1, 2019 at 11:59:59 pm.
Winners will be announced on our website by September 14, 2019. Calendars will be available through Suncoast Humane Society in early November 2019.