Dexter, Marker
Dexter, Marker
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Dexter is a full bred Golden Retriever. We rescued him from Craigslist, from a young girl who loved him, but was working full time and going to school, and was never home. She also lived in a third floor apartment, and he suffers from mild hip dysplasia, making it very hard to go up and down the steps to go to the bathroom. She only had him for a few weeks and realized she couldn't take care of him. We were looking for a Golden Retriever, and wanted to rescue one, not buy one from a puppy mill. I have a friend that is a respected breeder in Pennsylvania, but only sells a litter at a time, and usually only two or three litters a year. But we definitely wanted to do all we could to find a rescue...and we SO did. Dexter also has a kitty sister that is a rescue from Suncoast, and they like to get into trouble together ;) LOL We currently have two foster children, as well as our four girls, so Dexter has a LOT of sisters!!!! He loves his sissies though and like to crawl in bed and wake them up in the mornings...usually by laying down beside them and going back to sleep...he "helps"! Dexter always keeps us smiling, and brightens EVERY day!!! God bless!!!
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