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30 votes

Entrant's First Name

Dallas, TX

Pet's Story or Bio
From the Sonoran Desert, 4 college roommates picked up Macy for the ride of a lifetime. Legend has it that she regularly defended her puppies and first family from roaming coyotes out on the ranch, but she quickly adapted to her new collegiate lifestyle. Her strut and smile would catch everyone's attention on campus walks, apartment parties, and mountain hikes. On special rainy nights, we'd sneak onto the field down the street to play some quite competitive 1v1 soccer for hours on end, returning soaked and muddy. She was there for my graduation, and I was there for hers many years later, showing everyone that the dog whose snout had begun its grayish turn could still learn new tricks. We explored the west coast, spent some time on Florida's beaches, and eventually came back home to Texas, always by each other's side. Along with those Arizona coyotes back on the ranch, Macy's only natural enemies were squirrels, baths, and the maintenance man. Try as she might to resist, any bread left impetuously on the kitchen counter would be gone by the time you returned home, once spurring the creation of a recipe I called, "Macy's French Toast Casserole," using the scraps of what remained of a large (and particularly expensive) french bread that had been just too tempting. Macy's last service to me was helping welcome SPCA alum Lenny into our home in January. After 12 amazing years, she left us in May, but the memories and smiles live on.

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SPCA of Texas
2400 Lone Star Dr.
Dallas, TX 75212
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