Entry Category:
Dashing Doggos
Entrant's First NameShannon
CityOak Leaf
Pet's Story or BioGracie is our freeway rescue dog. I spotted her leaning against the center median divider on I-35E in South Dallas on my way to work on July 18, 2017. She had no tags, no microchip, and no one claimed her, so we intended to find a good home for her since we already had a dog… Gracie became a beloved member of our family and she is always on squirrel patrol - she alerts us if anything moves outside. She keeps her nose to the ground on our walks and her DNA is very interesting: Border Collie, Shih Tzu, Beagle, Bichon Frise, Chihuahua! We will never know how she ended up on the freeway and are so thankful for happy endings.