Contest has ended. Eastern Time


For the purposes of raising awareness for animal rescue, raising critical funds to support animal rescue and to highlight and celebrate the many grateful stories there are with people and their pets, Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter, a 501c3 organization, is running a photo contest beginning at 11/1/24 at 12am until 11/29/24 at 8pm EST. Participants are encouraged to share their thankful stories about their pets. The stories will be available at ( and Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter community will be invited to visit and vote on their favorite story by making a tax-deductible donation to the shelter. The photo receiving the most votes will have their photo featured as the cover photo on Facebook for the month of December 2024, the photo will be featured in our adoption office for one year and they will receive a $25 gift card to Petsmart. The photo receiving the second most votes with have their photo featured as the profile photo on Facebook for December 2024 and will receive a photo blanket and a $25 gift card to Petsmart. The photo receiving the 3rd most votes will receive a photo blanket and a $25 gift card to Petsmart. Stories submitted become the property of Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter and may be used in later marketing efforts.

1. Description 
Furever Thankful Photo Contest is a story/photo contest running from 11/1/24 at 12am to 11/29/24 at 8pm EST. Participants will be invited via email, website and social media channels to submit their photos and stories to ( and all in the community will be invited to vote for their favorite by submitting tax deductible donations to Rosie's Southside Community with $1 = 1 vote. Winners will be selected based on the total amount of money they raised for Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter.

2. Eligibility
For Story Submission: Those aged 18 and older who own a pet for which they are thankful are invited to submit a photo and a short story. Stories can be submitted anytime during the contest period. The earlier a story is submitted the longer it will have to generate votes through donations. Each person is limited to one story submission. If your photo was taken by a professional or commercial photographer, you must send a signed copyright release to Stories submitted after November 25, 2024 may not get posted in time to participate in the contest.

For Voting: Anyone with internet access in good standing is eligible to vote on the stories by making a tax-deductible donation to Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter. While all donations are valued and important to team at Rosie's, only those donations made at ( and associated to the specific story will be counted for this contest.

This is an internet contest, therefore to submit a story and/or to vote will require internet access and sufficient and updated hardware and software to effectively interact with the contest site ( While Rosie's values all members of their community, we cannot be responsible for or provide technical support for any individuals who have technical difficulties when submitting their stories or voting for their favorites.

3. Requirements
For those who are eligible, submissions must include a story, no more than 250 words long, and a photo. The photo must be no larger than X mg, include only the pet or pets being highlighted and in JPG or PNG format. The entry must include all required contact information to be considered eligible. The story must demonstrate why families are thankful for their pets. Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter reserves the right to reject a submission that does not meet all eligibility or content requirements.

4. Voting Through Donations
Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter community will be invited to review the stories and vote on their favorite. The earlier a photo/story is submitted the longer it will have to accumulate votes/donations. During the contest period, Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter will utilize various communication channels to get the word out about the contest. Those submitting stories may also share the stories with their community and encourage them to vote for their favorites and may vote for their own stories. All donations from voting are non-­refundable. Contest payments online are through a secure site. The email acknowledgment to your online donation serves as your tax receipt

5. Awarding Winners
In early December, as soon after the close of the contest as possible, representatives from Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter, will document and share total amount raised in the The Furever Thankful Photo Contest and the amount raised individually by the top three vote getters.  Representatives will reach out, via provided contact information, to coordinate awarding of prizes. All stories that are submitted may be reproduced at the shelter, on shelter marketing materials, shelter website, email and social media channels.

6. Other
By participating, all entrants acknowledge and agree that they have entered the contest of their own free will, that the full rules and details of the contest have been made available to them and that their stories and associated images will become the property of Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter. By entering this promotion, participants agree to be bound by these rules
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Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter
1614 West Edgewood Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46217
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