Entry Category:
SF SPCA Alumni
Owner’s NameKim S
Where did you adopt your pet?SF SPCA
3 Words to Describe Your PetScary smart chirpy
Tell us your storyWe adopted Frito after adopting our blind cat, Mac from another shelter and losing our sweet, special needs kitty one week later. We went through the heart break of falling in love with Mac at first sight, bringing him home, only to find out our special kitty also had terminal cancer. Frito is the smartest cat I've ever had the pleasure to live with...scary smart is how I describe him. It's been a joy to make sure we are continuing to keep Frito stimulated. We were told he was initially adopted by another couple and then brought back to the shelter only a week later for being "too much to handle". This led to a rough start when we first brought him home, but now Frito is a happy, chirpy cat who seeks us out and to let us know what's on his mind. Thank you for connecting us.