Entry Category:
Other Pets
Owner's NameDeb & Gayle Gyles-Brinkofski
CitySan Diego
Pet's QuirksIvan "the terrible" is a tenacious tortoise & loves adventure
Pet's StoryIvan was found lost on a busy street, we adopted him and he was welcomed by our two pups: Brady the ball chaser and Nicky, as well as our three other tortoises (Elle the shell, Mini-T & Little Man). Ivan went underground his first winter with us and hibernated. But quickly came to appreciate his heated home, yummy meals and playing (or terrorizing) his pub and tort siblings. Three years ago Ivan's rough and tumble play resulted in a beak injury & we nursed him back to health via a feeding tube and semi-liquid diet. Ivan and his adventures keep us on our toes and laughing. He is much loved and cared for.