Entry Category:
Owner's NamePreeti Jaswal
CityImperial Beach
Pet's QuirksAttempts to bully our Bernedoodle who is 4x as big, hunt flies but isn't good at it and the standard evening time zoomies at level 2000
Pet's StoryFirst and foremost, the name Neela means 'Blue' in my native language of Punjabi which is dedicated to her beautiful blue eyes. She is a 2 yr. old Ragdoll and grew up with her sister Bernedoodle who is the exact same age.
Neela is fearless when it comes to other dogs, no matter what shape or size and even makes a point to go up and kiss each and every neighborhood pup who walks by! (Through the fence of course)
I like to compare Neela's temperament to other dogs because she loves attention, doesn't prefer to be alone and will greet you at the door every single time.
Also, if anyone is familiar with the Ragdoll sprawl, we truly believe Neela invented it. It'll get you every time and it'll definitely get her what she wants! (Dog lamb nuggets)
Neela is a gem of a kitty and we are so thankful to have found her!
Please vote for Neela! #NeelaLovesDogs