Fundraising Goal
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Entrant NameSuzanne Torkar
Pet's QuirksBoe is funny and loves to get the zoomed and race around the house. He is a definite sniffer as he is a Beagle and his nose gets him into mischief!
Pet's StoryI brought Boe home at 4 months old. He is the sweetest baby I have ever met. He just does not have a mean bone in his body. He is my heart and soul. He was very skinny when I brought him home to the point where his ribs were sticking out. I found out he had worms and had to be dewormed twice. Lots of ear infections and he has Loupis on his nose. He had to see an allergy specialist because he is allergic to grass and certain foods. Boe from the first day I brought him home has slept in my bed with me with his head on the crook of my neck. It’s the most loving and comforting feeling. I have never had a dog do this. He is petite for a Beagle and one of the great loves of my life. He is funny and full of energy. I had Breast Cancer and was not able to have children. Thanks to Boe I know what it is to have a child. He has brought me so much love and happiness. He is an absolute gem!