Entry Category:
Entrant NameJoy Fleischmann
CitySan Diego
Pet's QuirksLoves her orange ball and fetch and she literally will not stop until I hide the ball and now she’s getting to be an expert at finding it!!
Pet's StoryI am 68 years old, retired and live alone. I was not looking for a puppy, they are way to much work. I made the mistake of going with my cousin to see her new yellow lab puppy. All 13 puppies were taken. This little black pup nuzzled my neck and fell fast asleep. The owner came in and said that the future owner had just called and they could not take her. She had a list of people who wanted one of her puppies. They owned the parents, not breeders or papered Labs. It was their one and only planned litter. You guessed it, I was still holding her and we were bonded. She turned a year in July and I had hip replacement in June. She is my healer, my empath and literally pulls me up when I need it. Daisy Quyen(Vietnamese for Queen) keeps me motivated to move and be present in every day living. To walk without bone crunching pain and rely on her to keep me steady and safe. Her natural instincts as a care giver is why she picked me that day and I’m forever grateful for my Daisy.