Entry Category:
Entrant NameNikki
CitySan Diego
Pet's QuirksCat with a dog personality. He performs tricks such as high 5's, kiss, and shake for treats and loves wearing costumes.
Pet's StoryMilo's mother was a stray and wandered into my family's garage where she had him (along with 5 brothers) on Mother's Day, 2016 in Fresno, Ca. Him and his brothers were taken care of by my family where they spent their days hanging out in the summer sun and sharing the backyard with three dogs. Me and my friends visited my family that October and a friend fell in love with his cute face and wanted to adopt him. We braved Milo for the 6 hour car ride back to San Diego and he snuggled under my arm the whole ride. Unfortunately, my friends couldn't keep him after all. I agreed to foster him until I could return to Fresno for Christmas and take him back to his mom and brothers. By Christmas, I had fallen in love with his loving personality and decided to be his forever home. He's the best snuggling partner and the sweetest cat! We've grown attached to each other and I wouldn't give him up for the world 💗