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Ellen Pitluk
San Antonio
Your pet's story or bio. Tell us about your pet (where he/she came from, personality, unique characteristics, etc.)
At 16 years old, Cheto has a curved back, weak back legs, and is blind and deaf. However, the little guy possesses great sprirt! He goes on walks with our other two dogs and enjoys sniffing the great outdoors. Cheto is a minature pincher mix from Puerto Rico. He has lived with my husband, who works abroad, in Puerto Rico, Latvia, Egypt, Algeria, Italy, Nicaragua, Peru, Pakistan and Nepal. Now that Cheto's passport is retired, he lives full-time in downtown San Antonio. Why is Cheto a jefe? Since he can't see, he bosses us around by barking at us. Cheers to our sweet, bossy, Senor JefeWisen who is both wise and wisen. VOTE FOR CHETO! It's like voting for an ice cold beer with a funny name on a sizzling hot summer day!
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