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Entrant's NameAlice
Pet's QuirksFood enthusiast - specialising in whatever the humans have on their plates - spreader of Gemma Glitter (fur), defender of humans against evil vacuum cleaner.
How does your pet enrich your life?Someone once told me that Gemma and I were like little, lost souls who were alone in the world and ended up finding each other. Gemma is the light of my life. On my bad days, she’s my hope, on my good days, she’s my biggest supporter, everyday in between she she’s there, waiting with a smile, a wagging tail and tippy tappy toes. She doesn’t know perfection or jealousy, she doesn’t understand hate or sadness, she’s just happy to be with her family, her tennis balls, and a snack. I hope, one day, everyone finds a Gemma of their own.