Entry Category:
Pet's Age3
A little about me...To endure what Lillie has gone through for the first 3 years of her life and still be the sweetest, loving and trusting dog makes her a super hero to our family. Lillie Rae was a puppy mill Mama. She was rescued after spending 3 years living in a cage being bred for profit. We adopted her in February of 2024. She shows that super Mama instinct to our 2 little Grandchildren and anyone else she comes in contact with. Lillie Rae is a super hero everyday learning to do all the things that she has never experienced. She has learned to go up and down stairs, walk on a leash, her name, and working on how to get in and out of a car. Since losing our boxer boy Rocky last October she has brought joy and happiness back into our house. I think she may have rescued us!