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Pet's Age11 months
A little about me...Ranger is an 11 month old blue Merle Aussiedoodle, a.k.a. Pure
Bred Good Boy. This 65lb ball of fluff is terribly unaware of his size. When he’s not playing outside and pulling all the weeds out of the lawn, he’s taking over all the furniture in the house. His favorite spot is on the top of the couch cushions, because to Ranger size does not matter.
On any given day given day you can catch Ranger destroying all toys that cross his path, or stealing bananas out of the grocery bags. Don’t worry his lack of opposable thumbs does not slow him down, he prefers to eat right through the peel. Don’t let his love of fruit (and vegetables) fool you, he’d be stoked to land his handsome mug on a can of beer!