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Pet's Age5
A little about me...Audra was rescued from a horrifying puppy mill where she lived in terrible conditions solely to breed puppies. No comfort. No positive human touch. No medical care. Her spirit was broken. Upon rescue she remained nervous and timid of people. It took months of patience for her to come out of her shell. Slowly her eyes lost that haunted look and she started to shine. Each day she tried to be brave and grow. Once she learned to trust she never looked back. She's my hero. Now she smiles when she's very happy. She's full of spunk and energy. Audra is my hiking, kayaking and morning cuddle pal. Races to the car for a ride and falls promptly to sleep in the backseat. Loves people, dogs and bossing around her older pooch brothers. My little sassy girl.đź’—Always rescue.