Entry Category:
Pet's Age13
A little about me...Tiny is quite a special kitty. Rescued in 2008 from a cardboard box on the side of the road and she’s been by my side ever since! She greets you at the front door and is sure to get a few pets from everyone. You can hear her purr from a mile away (it’s her staple). We’re convinced that you can hear her meows from up to three miles away, too - she runs around with her toy spider and llama and meows like the world is ending once the sun sets. She has a little dementia, but she doesn’t let that get in the way of her fun! You’ll notice that she also has a little crinkle ear... it pairs well with her six teeth and drooly mouth/bald chin! She now wears a cute little donut cone which adds to the fun! Vote for Tiny!