Entry Category:
Pet's Age2.5
Tell us why your pet is the best ambassador for Commonhouse Aleworks Rescue Brew (from your pet's perspective)I was so lonely living at All4Paws shelter in Pawleys Island for 6 months and before that my human family didn’t play with me anymore but since my Mom and Dad adopted me my life has completely changed. I’ve had a lot of training and learned how to live in a house with air conditioning! Wow! I could tell everyone how lucky I am and how important it is to us dogs to be loved. I’m a big guy-80 pounds-so I can hang with the guys at the Commonhouse Aleworks, but my favorite is snuggling with my Mom so I fancy myself quite the ladies man. Since I lived so long at the shelter my best friends were all dogs and I know how to play with all sizes. It’s so much fun! I love my life now and am grateful for places like All4Paws and the Charleston Animal Society for believing in me and my friends. Thank you for reading my story.