Contest has ended. Eastern Time




30 votes

Pet's Age
2 yrs


Tell us why your pet is the best ambassador for Commonhouse Aleworks Rescue Brew (from your pet's perspective)
My name is Rosco.
When I was only a few months old, an idiot decided my littermates and I were too much trouble, so he shot them.
I was so scared I ran as fast as I could, taking shelter under the first safe space I found.
I cried and cried because I was scared and alone for the first time in my life.
Soon a man came and found me. I wasn't sure if I should trust him or not.
He sat down and threw things that tasted so good.
After about an hour I finally, slowly, came out.
His touch was gentle and kind. He and his wife already had four other rescue dogs but they took me in too.
I went to the vet and found out I had every worm and bug I could but thankfully no heartworm. The vet said I would have died feom the parasites if I hadn't been rescued.
It took about two months to be rid of all my bugs and I got fixed too!
Now I'm a part of the pack. I will always be a bit feral and need my own space but I'm now living my best life ever!
To be chosen as ambassador for Rescue Brew would be awesome. I was so lucky to find a forever home and I want all dogs (OK... cats too) to have a forever home.
Every brew humans drink with my picture on it would remind them that there are so many of us dogs (yes mom...cats too) that need a forever home.
My name is Rosco and I approved this message.

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Charleston Animal Society
Commonhouse Aleworks
Live 5 News
Southern Crown
Charleston City Paper
Charleston Animal Society
2455 Remount Road
North Charleston, SC 29406
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