Entry Category:
Pet's Age9
CityNorth Charleston
Tell us why your pet is the best ambassador for the Palmetto Rescue Brew Beer (from your pet's perspective)My name is Stash, also known as Mustache-ieo, Pistachio, Stashy, and Crashy. I would make the best ambassador for the Palmetto Rescue Brew Beer because I am a strong woman with a mustache and I am vocal AF. My mom adopted me when I was three. I have yet to share the details of my past with her because its none of her damn business. For the first four years I pretended I couldn't meow- a sassy puff of air is all I'd say. But I've grown tired of bitting my tongue. I now put mom in her place every day by screaming- especially around meal time(she's so slow at opening cans). As ambassador, I promise to use my new found voice to command all the new rescues to bring their adoptive parents to Palmetto Brewing.