Entry Category:
Pet's Age8
Tell us why your pet is the best ambassador for the Palmetto Rescue Brew Beer (from your pet's perspective)I became lost during the historic flooding event in South Carolina caused by Hurricane Joaquin in early October of 2015. After that, I slept on the streets and ate garbage until the Charleston Animal Society found me. I had been through a lot and everything frightened me. I was too scared to make friends so I stayed at the shelter for a long time. Then one day I met my dad who volunteered at the shelter. He gave me lots and walks and treats, I really liked him. One day he took me home and now I have a mom and a little brother (he's really annoying).
I used to not like other people or dogs but now I can't imagine life without them. I still get frightened during storms and when the sky bombs happen. But now I have a family that holds me and tells me everything will be alright. I still have anxiety and get scared but I have learned how to cope and live with what makes me unique. I love who I am, my new life, and my family!