Entry Category:
Pet's Age3
CityCharleston SC
Tell us why your pet is the best ambassador for the Palmetto Rescue Brew Beer (from your pet's perspective)I’s Kaia and I found my mom and dad through Eunoia Rescue. My mom helps run it and when she saw me, she had to bring me home even though she had 3 others at our house. I is the happiest girl ever. All of the dogs are my frens. I like to watch after my old sisters and help them get down the stairs and save my mom and dad when they swim in the ocean. I likes to play a lot and I shows all the pups at my school how to play the best, even when they don’t think they want to. I only have three toes on one of my paws because I had the cancer last year. I teach the hoomans how to love unconditionally , live their best life and help each other. The world needs that now !