Entry Category:
Pet's Age1
Tell us why your pet is the best ambassador for the Palmetto Rescue Brew Beer (from your pet's perspective)Hi! Griffey here and I wood lyk to be an AMBASSADOG! Hears a few reasoms: 1 luv dogs a) luv beerz ii) so smert. My lyf started out not gud; I wuz all by myself — ate dirt and roks, sleeped under da car; had sum burns on ma fur. I wuz berry skerd of humams becuz they had not treated me gud. Den, my humoms bringed me h0m. We go to parks, go on woks, see frands On da street and at the booery! They put fud in ma bowl eVeRYdAy! So gud. I h0p ale dogs get grate h0mz two. As AMBASSADOG, I wood show humams that if u 0pen ur <3 and ur h0m, U can sAv a lyf and get a best frand. Butt — if h0m is full, 0pen ur pawkets and HEP!