Entry Category:
Pet's Age4
CityHeath, TX
Tell us why your pet is the best ambassador for the Palmetto Rescue Brew Beer (from your pet's perspective)I'm Shem, a four year old German Shepherd mix rescue dog. My "mom" is a multi generational Charlestonian (now living in TX.). She named me after a place that reminds her of HOME! Three years ago, my former family dropped me off at a place called the Garland Animal Shelter (a large Dallas area animal shelter with a very high euthanasia rate...I don't know what that means, but I've heard it's not where I wanted to be.) My "mom" visited the shelter, adopted me and I now have a forever home. I live life with joyful abandon and would be an ideal ambassador for Palmetto Rescue Brew Beer. With my family, I spend a couple of months a year in Charleston (typically on Folly)...and my "dad" is a devoted Palmetto Brewing Co beer drinker. My family is committed to rescue efforts...with personal adoptions and through financial support (here in TX and with several Charleston area animal welfare organizations.) I hope you will consider me as your spokesdog...in all humility, I add that people consistently say I am irresistibly charming and handsome. I'm well loved and I love well. On behalf of rescued pups everywhere and Palmetto Brewing Co, I would love to represent your Rescue Brew Beer. In fact, I’m already working on a marketing strategy…”A SHEMply perfect beer for your next SHEMdig.” Thank you for considering me.