Entry Category:
Pet's Age10
Tell us why your pet is the best ambassador for the Palmetto Rescue Brew Beer (from your pet's perspective)I recently relocated to Charleston from Santa Barbara to become the CEO (Canine Experience Officer) for Charleston Animal Society. I work at the shelter every day greeting human visitors and also helping shy and fearful dogs feel safer in our office surroundings. They CONSTANTLY take my picture – check presentations, kid’s birthday parties, VIP visitors – it’s really exhausting. Even on the weekends I am busy attending events and making appearances just to make sure all the humans are doing their jobs at festivals and adoption events.
I know my life sounds glamorous but the reason I do my work is because of the homeless animals at the shelter. You see, I know how lucky I am to have a warm bed, nourishing food and two dads who love me very much. As a rescued dog myself, I am an ambassador for other homeless dogs to demonstrate how enriching and wonderful life is when we are paired with the right people. We dogs are like some sort of magic. I know the humans think they rescue us. The reality is we do most of the saving. Please vote for me to be the Rescue Brew Beer Spokesdog so I can spread the word about shelter dogs everywhere.