Entry Category:
Pet's Age3 months
Tell us why your pet is the best ambassador for the Palmetto Rescue Brew Beer (from your pet's perspective)My name is Tango (she/he). To my understanding, which isn't great, I was born somewhere in Charleston County during the kitten boom in the Spring of 2021. Thanks to the kindness of the humans with the Animal Society, I was nurtured, fed, and cared for until I was 2 months old when I was brought to the West Ashley Pet Smart where I was labeled male and given a blue collar. I promptly fell asleep, still in a fog from my gender neutralizing surgery a few day earlier. Within a day of being in a cage with a little dude named Melvin, I was adopted by two moms. There was a bit of confusion when they discovered I had not been biologically assigned as a male at birth, but hey, for the record, I'm not into binary definitions of gender and I'm glad they got over the shock and decided to keep me. I took note that my new humans checked the box for Active Household on my adoption papers. They weren't kidding! In just over 2 months, I've been to a beach house for a week, then a place in the mountains where I experienced my first very brief kayak trip on a calm lake. My humans insisted I wear my Travel Vest and leash so they could easily get me back onboard, which they did immediately when I couldn't resist stepping off the boat to try to walk on water! Back in Charleston, I live in a small apartment so I like getting out, even if it means wearing my travel vest.