Entry Category:
Pet's Age2
Tell us why your pet is the best ambassador for the Palmetto Rescue Brew Beer (from your pet's perspective)Hi! I'm Truvy. I was named after Dolly Parton's character in Steel Magnolias. My Mommy says I'm sweet with a little sass. My dreams came true when I was brought to my furever home. I was found with parasites and a cold and weighed only 13 ozs. A good sam brought me to the vet and my life changed forever. I overheard someone say the Doctor loves Torties and needs a pet. Boy, did I put on a show for that vet! I made biscuits and purred and mewed as loud as I could. The rest is history. I sure am spoiled!
My life could have had a very different outcome if that man did not care enough to pick me up off the ground. The kindness of people can make a huge difference. Every one of us strays or rescues has a story. We are each unique individuals ready to love and be loved. Let me be a voice for other rescues...I have a lot to say! @truvylife