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Pet's Age1
Tell us why your pet is the best ambassador for the Palmetto Rescue Brew Beer (from your pet's perspective)Hi y’all, I’m Hank. Pick me! I am a heartworm+ CAS alumnus, they tell me I’m almost halfway through treatment. I really liked the place and the people there, they were great to me, and I made lots of friends. I’m truly looking forward to going back for an overnight visit next week, but even more because these crazy “No play” people who adopted me say I can start playing all I want about 30 days after that. How long is 30 days anyway? They sure sound excited about it! Oh, my dad says he likes beer, so there’s that too. He told me I will always be his great CAS ambassador, whether my pic gets picked or not, but I sure would like to see my face on that can!