Tuxedo and Baby Daddy Socks
To all my beloved kittens from their Baby Daddy SocksieBoots and Big Brother Tuxedo. We sure wish we were here with you, but through you we will ALWAYS LIVE ON!!!🙏😻
Donna Clark
You're the best Cat Mom!!
Tricia Jakob
Michelle and Scott have done so much for the mountain feral kitties in Crestline. I too have a feral cat as a neighbor of Michelle’s. We love our kitties here. Go Catarolas. ❤️
Michele Cretarola
Go Catarolas GO!
Christine Williams
Catarolas!!!!! We. on Big Tree Lane are So With You...Not only were you rescued & spayed by your loving Cretarolas...You are happily living "the Life" on Big Tree Lane...With food, shelter and Love! Every day !!! How can anyone not want these kittens as "Cover Family" But...so many more to choose from...All So Deserving!! My vote goes with my HEART...CATOROLAS...ALL THE WAY!
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