Michele Cretarola
Ronyโ€™s memory lives on and inspires us in his spirit to save others! Long live Rony!!! ๐Ÿ˜ป
Andrew Montiveo
Rony reminds me of those I lost: Chester, Josie--who taught me to love again, Blackey--who gave me unconditional love, Sammy Sr., Runty, Sheeba, Cody, and Meowsers--who gave us 20 years of wonderful smugness. I love and miss them all.
Beautiful, loving tribute! It brought tears to my eyes.
Michele Cretarola
An absolutely magnificent tribute to an amazing being! You will always live on, Rony! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ป
Jamie Gordon
This is a beautiful tribute!