Nicole Rauen
I love you Wimp! 🐶 You’re the best boy and best friend any girl could ask for! ♥️ Marcia - THANK YOU for the beautiful portrait- I cried when I saw it! You truly captured everything about Wimpy with your talent! I hope this win for the bully breeds will help to promote what amazing family members pitbulls can be!
Mark Saylor
Congratulations Wimpy and Marcia on the win. What a great picture. Tex and Coco are also proud of you for swinging in a win for the PitBull family .
47 SPL Critters
Way to go Wimpy! A bully breed on a coffee bag! Look how far we’ve come! 🐶
Coco & Tex
Go get ‘em Wimp! Let’s do this for all the pitties! 🐶
Bonnie Nickle
Go Wimpy! Stop bullying my breed.
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