Mike Boelman
I once saw Blaze fight a shark and live to talk about it.
Justin Clare
But his story doesn't end there. He was once taken prisoner by the laundry basket. Mistakes were made. But again he pushed on. He was diagnosed with infertility after an unsettling visit to the vet. Through his early struggles, he learned empathy and compassion. He provided temporary refuge to another cat in need. Even helped him get off the cigs. This cat is deserving of an award.
Justin Clare
As a young lad, Blaze went through some sh#t. Adopted at a young age, he bounced around from apartment to apartment for a couple years, dealing with neighbors and pesky visitors, and that weird red light that he could never catch. With his strong mentality, he would never back down from a fight, he triumphed. One winter, his peasants built him a snow fort, where he declared himself Cat King. He has expanded his territory exponentially since then, claiming multiple smaller towns on his way to Madison. Blaze's fire can be seen across all the land.
Julie Bechen
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