Eelo, Kona and Vinnie Vander Roest
To our best fur buddy, Go Levi!
Evelyn MacKenzie Gryson
Levi’s sweet, kind face and wonderful personality, how can you not LOVE him?He will make a very handsome calendar dog.
Dolores Furesz
Levi is such a great greeter at the door when a patient comes in. He is very calm and so happy to see you. He has a wonderful, loving eyes and a kind look. I would love to see his picture on the calendar.
GOOOOOOOooooooo LEVI! :-)
Lori Spala
Levi was a privilege to have trained as a puppy - teen. We were so blessed to have placed him in a wonderful home & environment where he is touching so many lives. Levi your one of a kind. Hugs & Kisses
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