Laurie Schauer
Oh Deyla, a sister from another mother! You “chugs” are the cutest!!
Wendy Sutter
Good luck Deyla!
Karla Albertson
Deyla is the sweetest doggy! She gives the best snuggles and kisses! She is such a littler lover ❤️❤️
Kelly Schweda
Deyla is one of my favorite people in the whole world. Her booty wiggles, underbite, inner-chihuahua, sleepy face, ears…they all bring me joy. I don’t drink beer, but would still buy all the cans with her face on them. 💜
I met Deyla when I worked at the doggy day care she goes too and she is the sweetest girl I ever met there! She is an amazing dog!! Definitely Top Dog in my books:))
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