John Hyslip
I’m happy to do this for the SPCA.
I’m also doing this for Oliver and my daughter, Gretchen. I trusted Oliver and he did not let me down. Oliver is a house cat. I took him into the wooded lot next door and set him free. He ran about 20’ and then began to exhibit his hunting instincts walking like a crouching tiger moving each foot in vertical steps rather than a drag, quietly advancing. I watched him for an hour or so until he allowed me to get close enough to pick him up. Thank goodness he was willing to come home. Gretchen would not have been happy if it had not worked out. No one owns Oliver. Gretchen is his guardian.
I’m also doing this because I have a Sheltie which I paid for. I believe it is far better to rescue an animal as Gretchen did Oliver.