Entry Category:
Entrant's First Name (person submitting photo)John
If your animal is from a specific animal shelter / rescue organization, please list the organization so we can give them special mention in our calendarAlexandria Welfare League
Your Pet's Story or BioTimmy is a estimated 5 year old pure bread beagle, who was found as a runaway or abandoned in southern Virginia before coming to the Alexandria Welfare League. When he was brought to Northern Virginia, he had been shot with a bb pellet that was imbedded in his rear hip. Timmy is very shy and can tell he was extremely abused and in several dog fights by the markings on his face. He however is extremely sweet, well mannered, loves to be petted and does not bark. He is often seen pointing as a beagle does when he outside in the yard around nature. He has a very good sense of smell and loves to have his belly rubbed. We are so happy with Timmy and he seems to getting away with is fears slowly.
We just love Timmy! Please vote for him!