Entry Category:
Other Mammals
Entrant's First Name (person submitting photo)Janelle
If your animal is from a specific animal shelter / rescue organization, please list the organization so we can give them special mention in our calendarAlexandria Animal Welfare League
Your Pet's Story or BioMorgan was adopted from Alexandria Animal Welfare League, but due to a penchant for fastidious grooming, we decided he needed a proper pig name, and Winston T. Featherbottom was born. Winston enjoys watching TV with his parents, as long as he controls the remote and they don't mind Animal Planet, wheeking loudly for treats and running zoomies in his cube cage. Winston sings in long prolonged chirps when his Mom gets home from work everyday, but don't be fooled! He may look as sweet as pie, but Winston has an extensive wardrobe which includes several pairs of "Sassy Pants"!! This boy is not shy to tell you what he does, or does NOT, want. The NOT column includes baths, bananas and being outside; the WANT column includes chin scratches, the TV remote and peppers as sweet as himself.
Video DescriptionWinston & Tucker: Sharing is Caring