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Entrant's First Name (person submitting photo)Mike
If your animal is from a specific animal shelter / rescue organization, please list the organization so we can give them special mention in our calendarAWLA via Potomac Highlands Animal Rescue
Your Pet's Story or BioSarge is a gentle giant. Mostly Rottweiler mixed w/ Husky, German Shepherd, and spare parts; he was saved from certain doom at the Hardy Co., WV pound by PHAR and AWLA. He is loving his new home in Rosemont and making friends everywhere we go. He is as laid back as they come and loves scratches, belly rubs, and car rides. He is sensitive to conflict and will "do a comfort" when things get heated. He's not so sure about hockey because it makes his hoomans crazy. Some might say he's "medium energy," others might say "lazy," but when foxes or rabbits are involved he's a world-class athlete. He's so darn handsome, he belongs in a calendar, not at the pound.
Video DescriptionSarge checks out his surroundings in the country.