Entry Category:
Entrant's First Name (person submitting photo)Teagan
If your animal is from a specific animal shelter / rescue organization, please list the organization so we can give them special mention in our calendarAnimal Welfare League of Alexandria
Your Pet's Story or BioI had previously owned a bearded dragon, Spike, and was very depressed after his passing. I was going to wait a long time before i got a new beardie. Then "Blue"(her given name) popped up on AWLA's facebook and two of my friends shared her photo with me. I had to go THAT DAY and I'm soooo happy she's in my life now, even though she's a diva and a little wild, I wouldn't change her! I adopted Spaghetti Blueberry Robinson aka Ghetti B from The Animal Welfare League of Alexandria on Tuesday, January 23rd.
Video DescriptionSpaghetti Living her best life