Entry Category:
Other Mammals
Entrant's First Name (person submitting photo)Olivia
If your animal is from a specific animal shelter / rescue organization, please list the organization so we can give them special mention in our calendarAnimal Welfare League of Alexandria
Your Pet's Story or BioWestley and Buttercup are now working on their second year of being free range snuggle buddies in our home after being adopted from AWLA May 2017. At first Westley seemed to be more into Buttercup than she was into him, but we’re pretty sure she is growing more fond of him every day. Last week she actually nudged my husband out of the way so that she could lay down next to Westley. We had no idea how much adopting these two little lop eared bunnies would enrich our lives, but we can't imagine being without them now!
As for the video: The sweetest piece of bunny salad is the one touched by the lips of the bunny you love. It doesn't matter if there is a lot of other bunny salad available, a bunny wants what a bunny wants!
Video DescriptionButtercup & Westley the Salad Stealers