Entry Category:
Tiny Treasures (<20 lbs)
Entrant's NameKaren
CityPort Washington
I am PHP Certified.Brief summary describing your photoMitzvah has been a certified therapy pup with PHP for over eight years. She loves doing her therapy work. It truly defines her life with purpose and satisfaction. She has been dubbed, “The Princess of PHP,” by Amy because Mitzvah chooses to great her friends by offering her paw as if to say, “And you are . . .” Many have chosen to kiss her paw and curtsy. When someone does a good deed, like visiting the sick, it is said to be a Mitzvah. Mitzvah has lived up to her name a thousand times over. Mitzvah is a 6 1/2 pound toy poodle filled with snuggles and love. Literally, thousands of people call her their Therapy dog.. PHP is responsible for the miracles performed.