Entry Category:
Best Buddies
Entrant's First NameAut
Pet's Age? & 19
Pet's Special SkillFood Magician, Purr Distributor
Pet's Story5 years ago we met a malnourished Pantscent Van Gogh while taking the trash out near a dumpster. Thanks to PetsAlive's Wellness Clinic we were able to determine that he was not microchipped or neutered. As a home with one sassy senior cat named Zoe, we did not know if we could take him in.
With his future undetermined and the animal shelter in sight, he went through the PetsAlive's Community Cat Package that provided him:
- Rabies Vaccination
- FVRCP Vaccination
- Dewormer
- Mandatory Eartipping
We couldn't see our future without Pants so Zoe got a little brother and we gradually introduced them to one another.
Here is Pants comforting his older sister Zoe. Her seizures were becoming more frequent. Later that week, on Oct 20, 2018 Zoe passed away. For 19 years Zoe was a beacon of unconditional love, comfort, and family to many. Thank you Zoe loving for us. Thank you Pants for loving her.