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Connecticut – Double Dog Rescue
My pet wasadopted (usually from a shelter or rescue)
From what organization or individual was your pet adopted/rescued/purchasedDouble Dog Rescue
How does this photo represent the theme – Life is Better Together?Apollo's life was spared when Sylvia, a 70 year-old woman, pulled him from a kill shelter in Alabama. He was brought up north where he was bounced around from home-to-home. The original rescue would not take him back, therefore DDR offered to help. Sadly, nobody would foster Apollo, so DDR had to board him. Apollo attended many adoption events without any interest. Eric Michaud, a relentless advocate for Apollo, made it his mission to find Apollo a home. Through social media, Apollo became a cyber-sensation. He even had his own Facebook page called, "Help Find Apollo A Home" Everyone shared his story, photos, and rooted for him.
Many dogs will get kennel fatigue from being kenneled for too long. Not Apollo, he never gave up hope. After 1-1/2 years in boarding and numerous potential adopters falling through, he finally hit the lottery. A young couple, Sarah and Pete Galicki, expressed interest. Sarah was in tears during her phone interview because she was so excited. Sure enough, after a meet-and-greet, Apollo was adopted!
The Galicki's are so generous about sharing their new life with Apollo. They keep everyone posted through a photo diary. You can see Apollo riding shotgun in the car, hiking, chewing a bone, even barking in his sleep!
Apollo is perfect for "Life is Better Together". If it weren't for the thousands of people sharing Apollo's story, he wouldn't have found his forever home.
Oh, and Apollo still has a Facebook page. It's now called "Apollo Has Landed."