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Massachusetts - The Cat Connection
My pet wasrescued (usually from the streets or a bad situation)
From what organization or individual was your pet adopted/rescued/purchasedThe Cat Connection of Waltham, MA
How does this photo represent the theme – Life is Better Together?The Power of Together Recipe
Ingredient: First Time Foster Mom, Five Motherless Kittens and an Apron –
Mix a first-time foster mom for The Cat Connection, five motherless 4 week old kittens named Ally, Angus, Ashley, Apache and April, and an apron and you experience the power of together.
As a first time foster mom I had to discover ways to socialize the “A” kittens and so one day I placed the kittens in the pocket of my apron – this allowed me to spend time with the kittens but also complete my everyday household activities; but more importantly, the apron allowed the kittens to experience human contact, kept them interested in their surroundings and allowed us to bond.
Together we became a family –we bonded—and we learned to trust and love each other.