Entry Category:
California - Bunny World Foundation
My pet wasrescued (usually from the streets or a bad situation)
From what organization or individual was your pet adopted/rescued/purchasedBunny World Foundation
How does this photo represent the theme – Life is Better Together?This dynamic duo were two of 40 bunnies that were rescued from Santee Alley in Los Angeles at 10 days old. They both were syringe fed and Annie fought for her life within the week of being rescued. With the the love, kisses and support Rex provided her- she survived that critical period in her life. The continual affection they displayed for one another- the kisses they exchanged, meals shared...even assuring the other one had their share of treats was an example to us of the simple essence of pure love. This photo is an example of that love. A candid moment these two shared--just relaxing into each other's company and enjoying one another. Our salt and pepper duo.