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Write a brief bio of your pet. (favorite things, their backstory, personality traits, etc.)Molly is a Lifeline rescue who was found trotting up an entrance ramp to I-85. She's around 2 years old and has been with us 8 months. She loves hiking, food, water sports
(sprinklers and hoses are the best) and climbing up laps.
When we adopted her she hadn't seen a toy, didn't know how to catch a ball and was afraid of anything that looked like a stick. It took a while to get used to chuck-its. She's now happy to be in her new home and we're happy to have her. Some things were just meant to happen.
How would your pet spend the day if they could plan an afternoon of fun?She loves our cabin in N GA. where she can run free and play int the creek. Add a sprinkler and it would be heaven.
What would your pet's favorite beer (or other beverage) be?Old Sprinkler Water IPA