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Write a brief bio of your pet. (favorite things, their backstory, personality traits, etc.)Stella was our foster but stole our heart right away and we had to keep her. She is very cuddly and sweet and loves people and kids but has a sassy side when she is not getting what she wants. She gets nervous with crowds and likes a very set routine. She stiffens and falls to the ground when she is scared or overexcited. She likes to survey her world and check what everyone is doing. She loves going to Trader Joes and knows the treat isle very well . She hates the water and giving her a bath is a scary ordeal, I had to bring her back to the shelter to get her nails clipped as 2 strong men at Petco could not handle her.
We love her to pieces .
How would your pet spend the day if they could plan an afternoon of fun?Stella would love to chase tennis balls in a field and play with another small dog. She would top the day by stealing your ball of yarn, tossing it in the air and unraveling it all through the house.
What would your pet's favorite beer (or other beverage) be?Cherry beer