Entry Category:
Adult - 18 years and over
Entrant's NameAmy
City and StateGreenwood SC
A little about my photo...Cardinals are a very special bird to many people. In folklore and cultural legends, they have often been viewed as messengers or the visiting spirits of departed loved ones. They retain their bright plumage year long and brighten up the dull landscapes of winter for many living in Northern areas.
When I created this piece, I wanted to show the beauty of a winter landscape, having lived in the North where 'real winters' occur. There's nothing like a winter sunrise offsetting a crisp blanket of white. But the piece needed a bit more life. My son suggested the cardinal pair as they are frequent visitors to our feeders. We always love the way they 'watch' the world around them, together. I have heard they are monogamous and will remain mated unless one perishes. This piece, to me, represents the beauty of a winter landscape and the beauty of these birds. We would all do well to take pause more often just to view the natural world around us, a sunrise, something moving in the trees.