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My city...Pasadena
A little about me...CJ: My first home couldn’t keep me. So my new pawrents rescued me after I turned one! Been living the Pasadena life since 2021. One day they thought I was sad and needed a brother.
Ghibli: Like my brother, my first home couldn’t keep me because I was too big. I was left with California Doodle Rescue where I was picked up immediately after! My pawrents took the day off to go get me and Pasadena has been home for me since 2022!
CJ: Ghibli is bigger than me but he doesn’t like to play as much. Just eat. Me and Ghibli like to walk around Old Town and the trails of Pasadena/Altadena, zoomies in the backyard, go on road trips, and snuggle on the couch. Our favorite places to go are daycare, coffeeshops for pup cups, and in-n-out for pup patties!
Ghibli: Yeah! I love snacks!
CJ: follow us on IG @we.doodz