Entry Category:
My city...Los Angeles
I am a Pasadena Humane Alumni!A little about me...I’m Pigzy Smollz and I’m a magical little piggy. I love lettuce, cilantro, parsley and pea flakes. I’ve taught my mum so much about critter care that she’s gone on to rescue and foster more of my kind. I like the company. I’m the only hairless magical piggy though. Ohhh, wait! That’s not true, I’ve got a hairless dog sibling they they call Piggggggg! Hmmmm?!? Not sure what I think about that, I’ll need to chew on it over some cilantro. … I’ve thought about it, let the best piggggggg prevail in this contest and let PHS reap the rewards of our sibling rivalry. TeamPHSAlumni !!